I dwell in Possibility

It’s not always easy as an artist for find new inspirations. I feel it’s something I constantly have to be seeking to continually push myself forward as an artist. I recently came across the poem posted below and it sparked some new inspiration for me. I hope it will do the same for you too!

Daydream Luminescence. Oil on canvas, 44 x 72. © Laura Guese.

I dwell in Possibility
by Emily Dickinson

I dwell in Possibility – 
A fairer House than Prose – 
More numerous of Windows – 
Superior – for Doors – 

Of Chambers as the Cedars – 
Impregnable of eye – 
And for an everlasting Roof 
The Gambrels of the Sky – 

Of Visitors – the fairest – 
For Occupation – This – 
The spreading wide my narrow Hands 
To gather Paradise –

Conference Room Commission

I love seeing my art in it’s new home. It was great to see what I had been working on for a few months finally installed! I loved creating this triptych specifically for this conference room. 

Here are a few shots of the work in progress:

Using Format